Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Diabetes update!

Mary Hannah says, "Thank you for the comments about me trying to get better. I read all of Daddy's notes on Facebook and this blog. Lucky Bear says 'thank you', too."

I've posted a few pictures from last night. The latest update (as of just a few minutes ago) is: our Doctor has coordinated with the Pediatric Endocrinologists at OU Children's in OKC, which is where we take Ethan for his checkups. We've got some preliminary numbers for how much insulin to give her, so we're set until we can have an actual visit. They want to see us tomorrow at 1pm, so it looks like we'll need to do some schedule shuffling, but we'll make it. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. We love you all and are very much feeling your concerns and love flowing our way.

Kissing my baby.

Oma was driving home from Dallas and came straight up to see us.

Matt graciously let us borrow Heather, who provided moral support and Tacos.

MH got to play on the laptop and update her Webkinz. Lucky Bear kept her company the whole time.

MH was in remarkably good spirits after getting her IV set up.

Heading home after a long afternoon. Life keeps going.


MissingTime said...

Everyone needs a lucky bear! The pictures are precious. And, I forgot to tell you that Stephen said to tell you to let us know if you EVER need anything, to call.

Unknown said...

Mary Hannah,

You are precious!! You are in my prayers.

Tanya Brice